My fair Lady - Schedule, Program & Tickets

My fair Lady



Price class:


31.07.2024 , Wednesday



Neusiedlersee, Seebühne in Mörbisch

Experience the classic in a new look as a contemporary musical ...

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Experience the classic in a new look as a contemporary musical.

Many people dream of what they want to be when they are children. "Eliza Doolittle's" dream is to become a saleswoman in a posh London flower shop. However, as she comes from a poor background and does not even speak her mother tongue properly, she is excluded from society and makes a living selling souvenirs on the streets. "Professor Henry Higgins" meets the stubborn girl on the subway and makes it his mission to transform Eliza into a fine lady. You can find out whether this will succeed in 2024 at the Mörbisch Lake Festival.

Subject to change.