Viennese Evening (Boat Cruise) - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Viennese Evening (Boat Cruise)



Price class:


06.08.2020 , Thursday



Schwedenplatz Franz-Josefs-Kai 2, 1010 Vienna

On this boat cruise you will experience a real Viennese evening with authentic charm, a traditional Heurigen buffet and Viennese songs that invite you to sing and dance along.

Availability: In stock

Product Name Price Qty
Abendliche Schifffahrt mit Wiener Liedern (Erwachsene)
Abendliche Schifffahrt mit Wiener Liedern (Kinder 3-12 J)
*All prices including VAT, extra
For a breakdown of the total price see Price class B
Book by phone
Boat trip with music & wine tavern buffet
On board the modern ship of the DDSG Blue Danube, our route leads from Schwedenplatz in the city of Vienna to the Danube Canal to the Nussdorf lock and back on the Danube.

While you enjoy typical Viennese food on the ship, the night skyline drifts by.

Good music is part of good food. With original wine tavern music, singing along and swaying along is not only allowed, but encouraged. Our musicians are happy to fulfill your individual music requests!

Boat trip on the Danube & Danube Canal
Heurigen buffet with regional delicacies
Cozy wine tavern music

Boat trip with the DDSG Blue Danube
Dinner on board
live music


Important Information
A program and / or route change may be necessary due to unforeseeable events such as high or low water or delays when crossing locks or bridges.

Languages: German, English

Start: Schwedenplatz, Franz-Josefs-Kai 2

Most TOURS are mostly not barrier-free due to the age of the historic sites visited and are not suitable for people with mobility impairments. We ask people with mobility impairments to send us an email. At least one person who is able to give active help should accompany. This also applies to boat tours

3.5 hours

Subject to changes.