Sommergäste - Schedule, Program & Tickets




Price class:


10.05.2024 , Friday



Theater in der Josefstadt, Josefstädter Straße 26, 1080 Vienna

The intelligence - that's not us! We are something else. We are summer guests in our country... newcomers. We do nothing and talk an awful lot. Varvara Mikhailovna

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Translated from the Russian by Ulrike Zemme

The intelligence - that's not us! We are something else. We are summer guests in our country... newcomers. We do nothing and talk an awful lot.
Varvara Mikhailovna

It could be described as a grotesque panorama of the bourgeois intelligentsia, this community stuck in its self-imposed boredom, which Maxim Gorky sent on a summer vacation in 1904, on the eve of the Russian revolution. Neither existential fears nor relationship problems can really be negotiated here, because the inability to break free from existing private and social patterns brings Gorkij's characters into a general fear of life, which also has social repercussions.

"How should one live?" is the central question in Gorkij's play, which is becoming more explosive in the face of current social debates. In his version for the Theater in der Josefstadt, director Elmar Goerden emphasizes the timeless relevance of Gorky's masterpiece.

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