Die Dreigroschenoper - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Die Dreigroschenoper

What's a lockpick versus a stock? What is breaking into a bank versus starting a bank? Fellow citizens, I hereby say goodbye to you and thank you for coming.

The story about the beggar king Peachum, his daughter Polly and the mafia criminal Macheath, called Mackie Messer, goes back to John Gay's The Beggar's Opera, a work from 1728. 200 years later, Bertolt Brecht edited a new translation for the opening of the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin and, at the suggestion of Lion Feuchtwanger, gave the piece the title The Threepenny Opera. The rehearsal period was turbulent for many reasons, the production threatened to fail several times, but after the premiere was successfully held on August 31, 1928, the piece became the greatest theatrical success of the time, not least thanks to the music by Kurt Weill played a decisive role.

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