Akademietheater Vienna – Schedule, Program & Tickets


Designed by the architects Fellner & Hellmer and Ludwig Baumann and built between 1911 and 1913, the Akademietheater has been the Burgtheater’s second venue since 1922. After many years of requests from ensemble members of the Burgtheater who wanted a second stage of more intimate dimensions, Max Paulsen succeeded in affiliating the “Theatre of the Academy of Music and the Performing Arts”, for brevity 's sake called Akademietheater, to the Burgtheater as a smaller, second venue. It was inaugurated on September 8, 1922, with a performance of Goethe’s Iphigenia in Tauris. After the Second World War, which the building survived intact, the theatre was re-opened on May 19, 1945, under the direction of Raoul Aslan with Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler. The Akademietheater was refurbished and technically upgraded in 1974 and in 1999.
Tu 19:30
hildensaga.ein königinnendrama

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The heroines take the strings of fate into their own hands. Will women now save the world and defeat the omnipresent hatred?
Ein Buch wie ein Traum, so wegweisend wie umstritten . Sigmund Freuds Großprojekt ist ebenso undurchdringlich wie die Seele, die es untersucht. Ein konfuser Wegweiser zu den Schauplätzen der Träume und damit zum Ich, wovon Träume laut Freud ausschliesslich handeln.
Goethe wrote the first version of his humanistic drama as a secret legion councilor on a trip to recruit recruits for the Weimar army. Even today, his call for dialogue and justice is far removed from everyday political reality. But Goethe suggests how the world-determining pendulum movement between murder and retaliation could be ended and counters the cycle of violence with the possibility of a processual change in the world.
Martin McDonagh German by Martin Molitor and Christian Seltmann
The two dandies Algernon and Jack love the double life. In order to reconcile vice and pleasure with their social obligations, both of them have made up lies: Algernon invents a sick friend named Bunbury so that he can visit him in the country as often as possible, and Jack pretends to take care of his brother Ernst having to come to town regularly.
In einem Jagdhaus, fernab der Stadt, inmitten eines Zuchtwalds von gigantischen Ausmaßen, warten die Generalin und der Schriftsteller auf die Ankunft des Generals: ein stolzer Stalingrad-Veteran, Großgrundbesitzer, Jäger und ranghoher Politiker auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht. Es schneit, und der Bedienstete Asamer heizt ein gegen die winterliche Kälte. Das Gespräch der Generalin mit dem Dichter kreist um den Finalzustand, in dem sich der alte General und dessen Welt entgegen dem Anschein tatsächlich befinden.
Director Lucia Bihler translates this iconic parable into a series of transformation phases that address questions about loneliness, loss of trust, powerlessness and the urge to survive in today's world. In this way, she approaches the story of the modern prodigy Franz Kafka, who was born in Prague in 1883 and died in Kierling, near Vienna, in 1924, a century ago, in a pictorial, very physical way.