Best of Mozart Fortress Concerts - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Best of Mozart Fortress Concerts

For over 40 years the world famous Salzburg Fortress has hosted the world-renowned Salzburg Fortress Concerts. Mozart's genius is evident in his birthplace: experience Mozart's concerts or a dinner and Mozart Concert at the highest level on the world famous fortress. Dinner before the concert takes place at the Panorama Restaurant in the Salzburg Fortress. When the weather conditions are good enough, the dinner is served on the terrace of the restaurant with breathtaking views of the city and countryside.

During the concert you will hear the most popular and well known works of W. A. Mozart and his contemporaries. A concert could not be more beautiful. No matter which season you spend your holidays in Salzburg, you will find classical concerts of the highest quality in the Salzburg Fortress.

Mozart and more: Clas­si­cal con­certs on the famous Salzburg Fortress.

The Salzburg Fortress Con­certs, one of the largest cham­ber music con­cert series in the world was estab­lished in 1979 and offers con­certs of the high­est stan­dard. Only a few ensem­bles and orches­tras meet this require­ment, and not with­out rea­son, the Best of Mozart con­certs and the many other events take place at the Salzburg Fortress Con­certs, which is vis­ited by many and known world­wide. Pre­sented are the most pop­u­lar and best-​known works by Mozart and the great mas­ters of music in the state rooms of the famous fortress. Delight your­self in an unfor­get­table con­cert at the medieval cas­tle.
When you see illu­mi­nated win­dows on the world famous cas­tle, it sig­ni­fies that one of over 300 con­certs is tak­ing place in the Golden Hall, the mag­nif­i­cent hall of the city of Mozart, with stun­ning views of the his­toric Old City and the sur­round­ing area. Many vis­i­tors from all over the world expe­ri­ence these con­certs as the high­light of your hol­i­day in Salzburg.
Besides the pop­u­lar Mozart con­certs, there are numer­ous events such as the atmos­pheric Advent and Christ­mas Con­cert as well as the New Year’s Eve and New Year con­certs. At any rate, from Jan­u­ary to Decem­ber you will expe­ri­ence a con­cert expe­ri­ence of a life­time, with out­stand­ing cham­ber musi­cians in the exclu­sive atmos­phere of the Salzburg Fortress. And for those look­ing for more, there is the pos­si­bil­ity to com­bine the expe­ri­ence of the con­certs with an exquis­ite din­ner, which is offered before the con­cert in the Panoramic Restau­rant. In appro­pri­ate weather con­di­tions and in a loca­tion where Salzburg has no equal, you will expe­ri­ence this com­bi­na­tion with din­ner on the ter­race of the restau­rant, from where you will have a unique view of the city and coun­try­side com­bined with a sun­set on the hori­zon. A delight for all the senses!
900 year old walls sur­round you in the mag­nif­i­cent rooms of the Salzburg Fortress. The land­mark of the city of Salzburg tow­ers majes­ti­cally over the Baroque archi­tec­ture of the Old City. These impres­sions will stay in your mem­o­ries for a long time.

MOZART, HAYDN: Diver­ti­mento
SCHU­BERT: Trout Quin­tet
MOZART, HAYDN: Con­certs for piano and strings
MOZART, SCHU­MANN: Con­certs for piano and strings
MOZART, BEETHOVEN: Quar­tetts for strings
MOZART: “A lit­tle Nightmusic”

Din­ner & CONCERT
Can­dle­light din­ner in the panoramic restau­rant fol­lowed by a con­cert visit to the Fortress Hohensalzburg

Com­bine a can­dle­light din­ner in the panoramic restau­rant, tow­er­ing over the city of Salzburg, with a ‘Best of Mozart Con­cert’ in the Golden Hall of the world famous Salzburg Fortress. This option is unique and is a very spe­cial com­bi­na­tion of exquis­ite food and clas­si­cal music. When weather con­di­tions are appro­pri­ate, din­ner is served upon the open air ter­race of the Panorama Restau­rant where you have a breath­tak­ing view of Salzburg and the sur­round­ing countryside.

Then they expe­ri­ence a Fortress Con­cert newly strength­ened in the Golden Hall, the mag­nif­i­cent hall of the city. With any luck then results in the break, the pos­si­bil­ity of a con­cert hall Son­nen­tun­ter­gang expe­ri­ence on the hori­zon, on which you will remem­ber for years. This com­bi­na­tion pro­vides din­ner and con­cert, at least for culi­nary and musi­cal high­lights in Salzburg. For spe­cial occa­sions, at the VIP din­ner and con­cert, in this arrange­ment is next to another menu choice, a seat in front of the con­cert hall, includes 1 glass of cham­pagne dur­ing the inter­mis­sion and 1 evening program.

* Cat.I: Num­bered seats row 1 — 7, Cat.II: Unum­bered seats after row 7

Can­dle­light Din­ner (Cat­e­gory 1/​Cat­e­gory 2)
Pas­try with but­ter and spread
Creamy tomato soup with cream
Chicken breast, stuffed with spinach on a rich rose­mary sauce,
Noo­dles and mixed veg­eta­bles
Fil­let of salmon with white wine sauce, pars­ley pota­toes and veg­eta­bles
Veg­etable strudel with a creamy sauce, served with herbed pota­toes
Mozart dessert variety

In the price included (Din­ner & Best of Mozart Fortress Con­cert):
funic­u­lar up and down, Din­ner (excl. drinks), Best of Mozart Con­cert
Ride up with the funic­u­lar 30 min­utes prior to din­ner pos­si­ble!

Cat­e­gory VIP:
Spe­cial VIP-​Dinner:
Pas­try with but­ter and spread
Creamy soup with herbs and crou­tons
Pike perch, fil­let of salmon and prawn with saf­fron noo­dles and veg­eta­bles
Medal­lions of veal with a rich cognac sauce served with potato bake and veg­eta­bles
Veg­etable strudel with a mush­room sauce, served with herbed pota­toes
Mozart dessert vari­ety

In the price included (VIP Din­ner & Best of Mozart Fortress Con­cert):
funic­u­lar up and down, VIP Din­ner (excl. drinks), Best of Mozart Con­cert, evening-​program book­let, 1 glas of sparkling wine dur­ing con­cert inter­val
Ride up with the funic­u­lar 30 min­utes prior to din­ner possible!

MOZART, HAYDN: Diver­ti­mento
SCHU­BERT: Trout Quin­tet
MOZART, HAYDN: Con­certs for piano and strings
MOZART, SCHU­MANN: Con­certs for piano and strings
MOZART, BEETHOVEN: Quar­tetts for strings
MOZART: “A lit­tle Nightmusic”

Mozart Orches­tRA Salzburg
For over 30 years the Salzburg Fortress Con­certs have been shap­ing the con­cert scene in the city of Salzburg.

More than one mil­lion con­cert goers are a tes­ta­ment to the qual­ity of the con­certs together with the spe­cial atmos­phere in the world famous 900 year-​old Salzburg Fortress.
From May to Octo­ber (between Thursday’s and Saturday’s) there is another unique high­light at the Salzburg Fortress Con­certs. The Mozart Orches­tra, Salzburg plays in the “Golden Hall”, the cer­e­mo­nial hall of the royal apart­ments, in the world famous Salzburg Fortress in var­i­ous large col­lec­tive works of great mas­ters of music — in par­tic­u­lar of course the music of W. A. Mozart. The Mozart Orches­tra, Salzburg is led by renowned con­duc­tor and soloist Tibor Benyi, the musi­cian mainly respon­si­ble for the Salzburg Fortress Con­certs and win­ner of inter­na­tional music awards. Our sug­ges­tion: Com­bine an exclu­sive can­dle­light din­ner with the Mozart Orches­tra con­cert. When weather con­di­tions are good, the din­ner takes place on the ter­race of the restau­rant. A delight for all the senses!

Extract of the pro­gram:
W. A. Mozart: Piano Con­cert, Salzburg Sym­phony, Horn con­cert, Alpine Horn concert,.Arias from The Mar­riage of Figaro and Magic Flute, “A lit­tle Night Music”
F. Schu­bert: Ser­e­nade
F. Mendelssohn: Sym­phony /​Vio­lin Con­cert
J. Haydn: Piano Con­cert
P.I. Tchaikowsky: Ser­e­nade /​Waltz

Din­ner & OrchestRACONCERT
A culinary-​musical expe­ri­ence above the roof tops of Salzburg

Com­bine the unique Salzburg Orches­tra Con­cert in the world famous Salzburg Fortress with a can­dleligth din­ner in the Golden Hall, high above the city of Salzburg.
On Fri­days and Sat­ur­days from May to Octo­ber, Salzburg High­lights offers you the ‘Best of Mozart Din­ner Con­cert Orches­tra’ with a very spe­cial com­bi­na­tion of exquis­ite food and clas­si­cal music. High above the roof tops of the city, the Panorama Restau­rant on the premises of the Salzburg Fortress, you will enjoy an exquis­ite can­dle­light din­ner. When weather con­di­tions are appro­pri­ate din­ner is served on the ter­race of the restau­rant. This culi­nary delight, together with the sun­set views of the city and coun­try­side, make your con­cert din­ner the over­ture of your visit. Then you will expe­ri­ence an invig­o­rat­ing Mozart Orches­tra con­cert in the Golden Hall.

Can­dle­light Din­ner (Cat­e­gory 1/​Cat­e­gory 2)
Pas­try with but­ter and spread
Creamy tomato soup with cream
Chicken breast, stuffed with spinach on a rich rose­mary sauce,
Noo­dles and mixed veg­eta­bles
Fil­let of salmon with white wine sauce, pars­ley pota­toes and veg­eta­bles
Veg­etable strudel with a creamy sauce, served with herbed pota­toes
Mozart dessert variety

In the price included (Din­ner & Best of Mozart Fortress Con­cert):
funic­u­lar up and down, Din­ner (excl. drinks), Best of Mozart Con­cert
Ride up with the funic­u­lar 30 min­utes prior to din­ner pos­si­ble!

Cat­e­gory VIP:
Spe­cial VIP-​Dinner:
Pas­try with but­ter and spread
Creamy soup with herbs and crou­tons
Pike perch, fil­let of salmon and prawn with saf­fron noo­dles and veg­eta­bles
Medal­lions of veal with a rich cognac sauce served with potato bake and veg­eta­bles
Veg­etable strudel with a mush­room sauce, served with herbed pota­toes
Mozart dessert vari­ety

In the price included (VIP Din­ner & Best of Mozart Fortress Con­cert):
funic­u­lar up and down, VIP Din­ner (excl. drinks), Best of Mozart Con­cert, evening-​program book­let, 1 glas of sparkling wine dur­ing con­cert inter­val
Ride up with the funic­u­lar 30 min­utes prior to din­ner possible!

Extract of the pro­gram:
W. A. Mozart: Piano Con­cert, Salzburg Sym­phony, Horn con­cert, Alpine Horn concert,.Arias from The Mar­riage of Figaro and Magic Flute, “A lit­tle Night Music”
F. Schu­bert: Ser­e­nade
F. Mendelssohn: Sym­phony /​Vio­lin Con­cert
J. Haydn: Piano Con­cert
P.I. Tchaikowsky: Ser­e­nade /​Waltz
You should not miss the din­ner and orches­tra con­cert in Salzburg! Enjoy a won­der­ful evening with works by Wolf­gang Amadeus Mozart and fine din­ing in an impres­sive atmosphere.

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