Oper Burg Gars - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Oper Burg Gars

Opera in the castle ruins: Impressive acoustics and an enchanting atmosphere - the perfect venue for high-quality opera productions.

Over 400,000 visitors have attended the opera festival in the Babenberg castle ruins of Gars am Kamp over the past 32 years. A selected opera is the focus of the festival every summer season. The grandstand, which has been redesigned in recent years and has over 1250 seats, offers the best possible view from every seat.

Gars is one of the oldest castle complexes in Austria. Built in the 11th century, it still stands in the style of the old hill forts. There are no detailed records of their exact origin. It is known that the Babenberg family set up one of their seats in Gars, although the "Garser Babenberg period" lasted only a few decades, because castellans were already employed under Leopold III to administer the castle.
Sa 20:00
L’elisir d’amore

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