Schönbrunn Palace concert, Danube cruise & dinner - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Schönbrunn Palace concert, Danube cruise & dinner

Thanks to Johann Strauss' waltz "On the Beautiful Blue Danube", also known as the "Danube Waltz", this body of water is inextricably linked to Viennese music. With this package you have the opportunity to experience the Danube "live" during a boat tour, then have a delicious dinner and, as the crowning glory, experience a concert by the Schönbrunn Palace Orchestra - including masterpieces by Johann Strauss.

included services

• 3.5-hour grand tour of the Danube from Schwedenplatz
• 3-course menu in a restaurant within walking distance of the castle (excluding drinks)
• Two tickets for one route in Vienna (including changing trains) per person
• Free choice of seat in the selected category at the Schönbrunn Palace concert
• Category A only: one glass of sparkling wine or sparkling wine orange per person at our concert bar
• VIP category only: a glass of sparkling wine or sparkling wine orange at our concert bar and a CD per person

10:30 a.m
or 2:00 p.m. Grand Danube tour from Schwedenplatz
18:30 Dinner at a restaurant within walking distance of the castle
8:30 p.m. Start of the concert in the Schönbrunn Orangery
(admission from 20:00)
approx. 22:15 end of concert

After the end of the concert, there are enough taxis available in front of the entrance to the Schönbrunn Orangery. The subway runs at five to eight minute intervals continuously until midnight.

On selected dates, the concerts take place in the Great Gallery or in the White Gold Room directly in the palace, in the Schönbrunn Palace Theater or in other concert halls in Vienna.

Subject to change.
Tu 10:30
Schönbrunn Palace concert, Danube cruise & dinner