Advent concert in St. Stephen's Cathedral - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Advent concert in St. Stephen's Cathedral



Price class:


29.11.2024 , Friday



Stephansdom, Stephansplatz 3, 1010 Vienna

Many people seek the peace and contemplation of our St. Stephen's Cathedral, especially during Advent, in order to prepare for the most wonderful time of the year and the coming Christmas ...

Availability: In stock

Product Name Price Qty
Adventkonzert im Stephansdom (Kategorie 1)
Adventkonzert im Stephansdom (Kategorie 2)
Adventkonzert im Stephansdom (Kategorie 3)
*All prices including VAT, extra
For a breakdown of the total price see Price class C
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Many people seek the peace and contemplation of our St. Stephen's Cathedral, especially during Advent, in order to prepare for the most wonderful time of the year and the coming Christmas. The Advent concerts in St. Stephen's Cathedral invite you to take a moment to pause - moments in which you can escape the hustle and bustle of the pre-Christmas period in order to reflect on the essentials again.

These atmospheric evenings feature solemn chamber music and the most beautiful Advent songs and are masterfully interpreted by the Harmonia Ensemble Vienna; soprano and baritone solos contribute to the contemplative atmosphere. On Advent Sundays, the cathedral organists Ernst Wally and Konstantin Reymaier play Advent organ concerts with atmospheric classics as well as delicacies and highlights of organ music.

Secure your tickets and experience a magical Advent evening in St. Stephen's Cathedral.

Advent concerts, Fri & Sat:
Works by W. A. Mozart, J. S. Bach, F. Schubert, G. F. Handel and others
as well as the most beautiful Advent songs

Subject to change.