Sa 17:00
Sächsisches Vocalensemble
Like hardly any other composer, Bruckner's oeuvre is permeated by a religious mysticism, which is exemplarily reflected in his symphonies and choral music
Semperoper Dresden
Opera buffa in four acts
Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte based on the play La folle journée ou le Mariage de Figaro by Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
In Italian with German and English surtitles
Exciting young musicians from classical and jazz, who were selected by renowned artist sponsors, conquer the stage of the Kulturpalast in the “Night of the Young Stars”
Since the cellist Raphaela Gromes and the pianist Julian Riem met at the “Richard Strauss Competition” in Munich over ten years ago, they have been on stage together as a duo with great success
© Dresdner Musikfestspiele
Der Schauspieler Charly Hübner und das Ensemble Resonanz, ergänzt um ein Jazztrio aus Kalle Kalima, Carlos Bica und Max Andrzejewski, lassen die Welt aus Schuberts »Winterreise« auf die Songs des australischen Lyrikers und Sängers Nick Cave treffen
Since the cellist Raphaela Gromes and the pianist Julian Riem met at the “Richard Strauss Competition” in Munich over ten years ago, they have been on stage together as a duo with great success
Schönberg's "Pierrot lunaire", composed in Berlin in 1912, consisting of twenty-one small melodramas for voice and five instruments based on poems by Albert Giraud, revolutionized the style of performance by using spoken singing for the first time
Wie kaum eine andere Künstlerin vermag Anoushka Shankar verschiedene (Klang-)Welten miteinander zu verbinden
Anna Clyne, who was born in England and now lives in the USA, is one of the most sought-after composers of today. For their work “Dance” for cello and orchestra, which premiered in 2019, they were inspired by five lines from the 13th century Persian poet Rumi
With the Frenchman Marc Minkowski, the Dresden Festival Orchestra welcomes one of the leading conductors of our time to the podium, who founded the ensemble Les Musiciens du Louvre, which specializes in early music, at the age of nineteen and is considered a pioneer for historical performance practice
In the imposing St. Mary's Church in Pirna, built at the beginning of the 16th century - one of the largest late Gothic hall churches in Saxony - two extraordinary artists meet
© Dresdner Musikfestspiele
Der Mythos von Orfeo ist eine Geschichte über die Macht und die Ohnmacht der Musik, und so ist es kein Zufall, dass mithilfe dieses Stoffes die Kunstform Oper entstanden ist: Die Uraufführung von Claudio Monteverdis »L’Orfeo« am 24. Februar 1607 im Palast des Herzogs von Mantua gilt als Geburtsstunde der Gattung und war ein musikgeschichtliches Ereignis, das weit über Italien hinaus strahlte
The audience can look forward to the performance of a very personal songbook with an unusual line-up when Xavier Sabata and the saxophone quartet Kebyart, founded in Barcelona, appear together on the stage of the Palais in the Great Garden
© Dresdner Musikfestspiele
The evening with Patricia Kopatchinskaja and the Dresden Philharmonic under the direction of Jonathan Stockhammer is all about classical modernism
The combination of Philippe Herreweghe and Collegium Vocale Gent has been a guarantee for exceptional Bach interpretations for decades
© Dresdner Musikfestspiele
Everything that the composer Sven Helbig encounters on his musical journeys, notices, notices and likes - especially when orchestral instruments sound in it - he presents to an enthusiastic audience in his weekly radio show "Schöne Tones" on "Radio Eins"
What has now become of the Jazzrausch big band, founded by trombonist Roman Sladek in 2014 with a few fellow students from the Munich University of Music and Theater, can be summed up in one word: cult
Jakub Hrůša, born in Brno, Czech Republic in 1981, is one of the most successful conductors of his generation and has thrilled music festival audiences with his performances on several occasions
Sopran Katarzyna Jagiello
Alt Eva Maria Summerer
Tenor Carlos Moreno Pelizari
Lesung Alice Dwyer, Sabin Tambrea

Lesung Alice Dwyer
Sabin Tambrea
It is one of the greatest love stories in Western literature. It tells of the love and fate of young Romeo and his Juliet, who cannot get along due to deep-seated hatred and old quarrels and can only be united in death.
The Al Ol Ensemble
l´arte del mondo
Leitung Yair Dalal, Werner Ehrhardt
It is one of the greatest love stories in Western literature. It tells of the love and fate of young Romeo and his Juliet, who cannot get along due to deep-seated hatred and old quarrels and can only be united in death.