Um die Wette - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Um die Wette



Price class:


29.01.2019 , Tuesday



Philip Moschitz staged Eugène Labiches 1861-created comedy about appearance, being and the small and large lies of the affluent citizen with music and a lot of humor. ...

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Philip Moschitz staged Eugène Labiches 1861-created comedy about appearance, being and the small and large lies of the affluent citizen with music and a lot of humor.

Nervousness is spreading in the Malingear and Ratinois families: daughter Emmeline and son Fréderic fell head over heels in piano lessons and would rather marry today than tomorrow. When the Malingears find out that their daughter's potential parents-in-law are standing incognito in front of the door to get a picture of the circumstances of the house, they come up with a momentous idea: out of concern for not meeting the expectations of future relatives , guests are simply deceived. Ms. Malingear quickly arranges loaned service personnel and numerous new patients for her husband's empty medical practice. With imagination and a lot of effort, the reputation, well-being and education of the family are generously adjusted upwards.

Incited by the alleged wealth of the Malingears, the groom's parents move immediately - and the race for higher social status is unstoppable. Soon, the entire fortune of both families flows into sustaining that glimpse of a life of lavish luxury. But when Uncle Robert asks unasked for the common six-course menu itself threatens to collapse the laboriously built house of cards ...

The young director and actor Philipp Moschitz, who inspired audiences and critics alike with his pleasurable and fast-paced productions at the Munich Metropoltheater, stages Eugène Labiches' 1861 comedy about appearance, being and the small and big lies of affluent citizens with music and humor.

Subject to change.